Riktlinjer för omhändertagande vid stroke hos barn efter
2018 03 by Svensk förening för hematologi - issuu
Stor yttre blödning. TEG/Rotem Tromboelastografi (om Autolog transfusion med t ex cellsaver kan användas för att minska transfusionsbehov och infektionsrisk. Nedanstående emergency transfusion package. F II ning och fibrinolys (Sonoclot, TEG, Rotem) och metoder som mäter som koncentrat eller genom transfusion av plasma. Evidens för riktlinjer gällande resuscitering och massiv transfusions saknas Massiv transfusion > 40 ml/kg blodprodukter inom 24h. • 356 583 barn <14 år. studies have shown that both ROTEM- and TEG-guided treatment algorithms usage of blood products compared to empiric massive transfusion protocols.
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"TEG® and ROTEM® in trauma: similar test but different results." World J Emerg Surg 7.Suppl 1 (2012): S3.. Coakley, Margaret, et al. "Transfusion triggers in orthotopic liver transplantation: a comparison of the thromboelastometry analyzer, the thromboelastogram, and conventional 2016-05-01 2012-09-13 Transfusion of haemostatic blood products such as fresh frozen plasma, cryoprecipitate, platelets and clotting factor concentrates may be guided by clinical judgement, standard laboratory tests, thromboelastography (TEG) or rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM), or a combination of these in transfusion algorithm. 2014-11-24 Transfusion Requirements. Product Adminstered? Dose given Decision based on Yes No Clinical Lab TEG / ROTEM Red cells FFP Platelets Cryoprecipitate Tranexamic acid Aprotonin Prothrombin complex concentrate Fibrinogen concentrate rFVIIa Did TEG alter your transfusion management?
Övervaka Koagulationsstatus Hos Traumapatienter Med
F II ning och fibrinolys (Sonoclot, TEG, Rotem) och metoder som mäter som koncentrat eller genom transfusion av plasma. Evidens för riktlinjer gällande resuscitering och massiv transfusions saknas Massiv transfusion > 40 ml/kg blodprodukter inom 24h.
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studies have shown that both ROTEM- and TEG-guided treatment algorithms usage of blood products compared to empiric massive transfusion protocols. Blodtransfusion.
TEG/ROTEM was no better than non-TEG parameters in predicting the need to transfuse, but did somewhat better than clinical judgement. Once again, there was no consistent effect on the number of transfusions given, although some studies showed that use of non-TEG/ROTEM studies resulted in fewer units of red cells, platelets, and cryoprecipitate
Bottom line – There is growing evidence to suggest that the utilization of TEG and ROTEM reduce transfusion requirements and improve morbidity in patients with bleeding, but additional studies are required. Back to Our Case. Why was the trauma surgeon concerned? If we interpret our TEG values:
Interpretation of TEG Factsheet v1 Final March 2013.doc Page 1 of 2 Interpretation of TEG/ROTEM Factsheet 3 Area of Application The interpretation of the traces produced by the thromboelastography devices is vital for the management of coagulopathy and the corresponding appropriate use of blood components/therapies.
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Flertalet studier har visat hur väl TEG/ROTEM system kan användas för att vägleda blod- transfusion vid allvarlig blödning under operation och g/L och transfusion med plasma och trombocyter ska vägledas av trombelastografi (TEG/ROTEM).
6 Schematiska kurvor Parameter TEG ROTEM Koagulationstid R CT 1 (5) ANELÄK Massiv transfusion Detta dokument kompletterar (Ersättning av blod och
kliniska verksamheten kan TEG® 6S förbättra behandlingsresultaten, reducera kostnader för blodprodukter och undvika transfusion av blod-komponenter som
av K Huitfeldt · 2018 — Tromboelastografi (TEG) är en analysmetod som baseras på helblod där alla komponenter viktiga för ge information ifall transfusion och hemostasterapi ska utföras eller inte (Kol & Borjesson, on rotational thromboelastometry ROTEM®. medvetenheten om att vara restriktiv med transfusion av blod och (ROTEM/TEG) påverkas men inte själva koagulationsaktiveringen så. Transfusion Strategier. • Optimalt Transfusion-ratio1:1 associated with increast survival.
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For the purpose of this post we will focus on ROTEM as this is predominantly used in Canada. TEG is a bedside test that is useful in the setting of ‘controlled’ hemorrhage, such as liver transplant and cardiac surgery. In trauma, bleeding can occur at such a pace that the TEG result may lag behind the clinical situation, leading to delayed and inappropriate therapy. rotem Short for “rotational thromboelastometry,” this is a modification of the older technology known as TEG (thromboelastography) . Both TEG and ROTEM use point-of-care devices that analyze whole blood clotting properties, and are helpful in rapidly analyzing a patient’s overall coagulation status, especially in cardiac surgery, liver transplant, and trauma settings. Concerning blood transfusions, measurements of clot firmness (ROTEM EXTEM MCF and FIBTEM MCF and TEG MA) and CL (ROTEM LI30 and TEG CL30) were strong indicators of the need for any or massive blood transfusion, particularly for the latter, as well as of plasma transfusion. 2020-09-24 · Below is a Canadian transfusion algorithm currently in use based on ROTEM: The Implementation of ROTEM Establishing ROTEM/TEG at any centre will require champions and a Working Group with support and leadership from Laboratory medicine, Trauma, Anesthesia, ICU, Emergency Medicine 2014-11-24 · In trauma patients, TEG® and ROTEM® allow prediction of massive transfusion requirement and mortality, and creation of goal-directed, individualized coagulation algorithms that may improve patient outcome.